As everyone knows, many available online materials are scattered across countless websites, social media platforms, forums, blogs, and applications–it is very excessive, and we are spoiled with choices! However, with so many options and alternatives to learning English online, do you find yourself lost and confused? Which ones are suitable? Which are appropriate? Which are helpful? Which are relevant for your English language studies? Introducing a website designed for learner autonomy or independent learning–UiTM Webitors’ English for Second Language Learners’ Autonomy Platform (UiTM WESLLAP)!
UiTM WESLLAP is designed to provide sufficient, comprehensive, effective, and relevant materials for learners who want to learn English as a second language (ESL). It serves as a singular hub, a platform that is easily accessible without registering or downloading an app. It is easy to navigate, and learners can access all the materials they need for their English language learning. It is a good website to start your English language journey as a university student!
B. Learning English Autonomously Solutions
a. E-learning Activities
Listening to Songs: This section lets learners listen to and download English songs, learn the lyrics, and complete activities related to the song. The songs are categorised into various sections, such as Disney songs, motivational songs, and song parodies. This helps motivate students to enjoy learning English in a fun way.
Listening to Podcasts: We love watching YouTube videos in our free time. This section links various YouTube channels suitable for ESL learners and provides them with exercises based on the videos. The topics discussed in the videos are interesting and relevant for learners to build their general knowledge.
Listening to Stories: Instead of boring classroom lectures and slide presentations, why not learn English by listening to stories worldwide? Learners get to listen to and download many stories ranging from Aesop’s Fables to literature works of famous writers in the past, and with exercises and discussions based on the stories they have listened to. Some stories come with a video for you to view for easier understanding.
Reading Stories: You can read stories if you dislike listening to them! This section lets learners download and read a collection of stories divided into unique categories. Dive into your imagination in the stories selected to entertain and educate you with life lessons. Some stories even have interactive features that challenge you as an English language learner and reader.
Role Play, Oral Presentation, and Group Interaction: These three sections let learners explore the fun part of speaking in English. You can watch other ESL learners in videos speaking, presenting, and interacting in English. The videos range from simple discussion topics to serious general issues such as stress management or drug abuse, from movie commentaries to forum discussions, from talking about your hometown to demonstrating how to play golf. If these students in the video can do it, so can you!
b. Forum
Learners can access the forum section to discuss various materials on the website–the stories, songs, podcasts, or videos in the speaking sections. This section encourages learners to share their opinions healthily and interact with other learners using the website.
c. Language Games
Learners get to learn and improve their vocabulary and English skills while playing! This section links to other websites that provide gaming elements, such as Quizlet and Wisc Online. Several game sets have been prepared for learners to play with, and all can be accessed from this section without registering.
d. Past-Year Papers
These sections are specially prepared for UiTM students taking specialized English courses during their pre-diploma and diploma studies. They can download certain past year's papers for the English courses to practice more in the language course. This helps expose students to the format and rubrics of the assessments of the respective courses. Below are the links to the specific English courses:
So, what are you waiting for? You can start your journey to becoming a much more proficient English language learner by exploring UiTM WESLLAP now! The website is easily accessible via any electronic device–it does not need a lot of Internet data!
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This guest post was written by Noor Azli Affendy Lee, a senior lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.